Wednesday 6 July 2011

Thing 3: branding or... bye-bye bluebell?

Vanity check

Googling myself doesn't really demonstrate my current CV profile:
"A background in libraries and IT, including managing electronic resources and proactive website management."

BluebellThe first page of results for my (unique) name are family history related. Boring. But I guess that's ok, especially if I wanted to be a local studies librarian (don't think I'm qualified for this) or to showcase my research skills (fine).

Why is the first result an archived 2002 email where I replied to someone else's post? Because the thread was about the Queen Mother? Not one I am particularly proud of.

There's a lot I can learn about Google's ranking algorithm just by studying these 10 results. An opportunity to upgrade my SEO skills as a spinoff?

All 8 list archive posts are dated 2000-2005, yet I last posted in May to one of the lists. Perhaps those older posts have been most frequently viewed because they have such valuable content ;-) and boosted their Google rank. The other two are on a family history society's website, so less surprising and ok.

The top of the 2nd results page reveals that I was on a LIANZA SIG committee. Something work related at last.

None of my profiles are public - no Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc., hence no embarrassing details visible (I did find myself in Worldcat though via Pipl). Google reveals that the rest of my family are rather more open with their profiles.

As I'm job-hunting, and it's a while since my last temp library contract, I'm looking at other job options, so should do more to make myself and my professional qualities visible. Perhaps LinedIn, etc. Something to work on this week.


I have been coy about my surname in my blog, and will change that if I can steel myself to do so. I was wary about hanging out my washing in public as I explore ideas, especially as I'm job-hunting at the moment.


Well, I think my bluebell photo looks pretty, but it won't identify me when people meet me. Will find a photo of myself.

Professional/personal identity

I think I'd already decided that they are merged as there's no way I can hide my family history list posts from potential employers and they've been visible for years. I've only added two work contacts to Facebook so far but have nothing against it.

Visual brand

Colours. My blog colour was chosen to go with the bluebells whereas really I'd prefer a warmer tone. That's what comes of creating the blog quickly. I think I'm about to rebrand.

Next steps

I've learnt that I need to be a bit more open, risk a little...

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