Tuesday 22 November 2011

Thing 16: Advocacy, activism for the profession

Well - after a career gap I'm back to finish what I started. That's gap as in I had paid work with associated hours commuting and a lot of other things going on in my life.

Advocacy activity: I need to do more to publicise and get my voluntary society library used. If I don't, there's not much point in having the library apart from ensuring preservation of our own journal and some out of print and hard to find books.

I need to review the (currently unworkable) lending policy and get something workable through a committee meeting or devise other ways that members can get better access to information we hold. I could also write some articles for our journal to promote the resources we have and encourage others to review books that we hold.

Advocacy is potentially a part of every librarian's role - as a public face of your own library to friends and others you meet outside the library.

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