Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thing 21: Promoting yourself in job applications and at interview

I've done a few job applications and interviews recently as I've been contracting. I took some time off to travel then started to look for a new job at the beginning of the year. My CV is up to date, but I have stepped back to look at whether my activities, interests and priorities have changed.

Throughout the last few months I have spent a lot of time questioning what I want in a job, what skills I have etc before applying for roles. Reviewing my new list of activities/interests that I like/dislike shows me that my priorities may have changed a little. It would be fun to be able to use my interest in researching genealogy in paid work, but I suspect I would need some further qualifications. Something to investigate.

I am able to get shortlisted for a fair proportion of my applications but don't seem to do so well in the interview. Admittedly not everyone interviewed can get the job and the job market is a bit tight. Also my experience over the last 4 years, since I left a permanent job in New Zealand, has gaps between contracts and I would also now perfer a permanent role.

I always try to prepare well for interviews and had to give a presentation with slides at a recent one, resulting in even more preparation. I have added the list of questions from Wikiman to my set of interview preparation guides ready for my next interview. I am also taking on board the advice to address the criteria behind the question and to act as though the panel has not read your CV.

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